August 23, 2024

August 23, 2024
2:30 p.m.
Upchurch Conference Room, BELL 3162

Voting:  Alan Ellstrand, Matthew Ganio, Rhett Hutchins, Ethel Goodstein-Murphree, Kevin Hall, Garry McDonald, Megan Hull, and Jeremy Beaulieu

Non-Voting: Gina Daugherty, Lisa Kulczak, and Kathy Green (for Global Campus)

Voting: Manuel Rossetti, Lona Robertson, Chris Schulte, Adriana Gonzalez, Kevin Brady, and Rodney Thomas II
Non-Voting:  Amanda Corbell, Tiffany Murphy, Suzanne Kenner, and Suzanne Kucharczyk

GUESTS:  Ellen Urton, Shane Barker

Chair Kevin Hall called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

1. The minutes for the April 19, 2024, meeting were approved.

2. Course Change Proposals: 

All course change proposals were approved without opposition. The approved courses are listed on the CIM Course Report created by CourseLeaf and will be forwarded for consideration to the Faculty Senate, meeting scheduled for September 11, 2024.

3. Old Business:  


4.  New Business:  

⦁ Consideration of adding the GSIE Associate Dean as a non-voting member of the Undergraduate Council

Adding GSIE representation on the Council allows an opportunity to address issues concerning international undergraduates, study abroad, and students studying at the Rome Center.

The council was amenable to this proposal, but felt it was important to specify that GSIE’s Associate Dean for International Education should serve in this new role.  Chair Kevin Hall will draft an update to the membership information found on the Undergraduate Council website, to be presented at September’s meeting.  He will also confirm the appropriate approval path forward, once the Council has voted to approve this change.  

The following program change proposals were approved on the CIM Program Report.  The program change proposals will be forwarded for consideration to the Faculty Senate, meeting scheduled for September 11, 2024.

a. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, Department of Human Environmental Sciences – AMPD-M – AMPD Global Experience Minor presented by Garry McDonald.

Adding COMM 10203 or ITAL 10103 to prerequisites.
MAY INTERCESSION: Adding ITAL 29303 To Rome with Love
SUMMER 1: Removing AMPD 42103, 42203, 42303
SUMMER 2: Adding AMPD 40903 and HESC455V (AMPD 30203)

Due to the personnel change at the Rome Center, it is necessary to adjust this minor to be a 12-week Summer Program beginning in May Intercession through Summer 2 (4a_ampd-m_report_08232024, 4a_25-26_ampd-m_final_08232024).

b. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts and Sciences Dean – AIST Dependent Major – Asian Studies Dependent Major presented by Shane Barker.

i. Change language requirement from Intermediate II level to Elementary II level.
ii. Changing the number of AIST electives from 18 to 24. Removing additional restrictions to electives.
iii. Reformatting minor requirements into a chart rather than paragraphs.

i. Removing 2 semesters of required language makes the major more accessible to students who find the major later in their degree plan.
ii. Ensuring the major is 30 hours of required classes as well as easing restrictions that made it hard for students to complete major (4b_aist_dependent_major_report_08232024).

c. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts and Sciences Dean – AIST-M – Asian Studies Minor presented by Shane Barker.

i. Change language requirement from Intermediate II level to Elementary II level.
ii. Changing the number of AIST electives from 12 to 9.
iii. Reformatting minor requirements into a chart rather than paragraphs.

i. Removing 2 semesters of required language makes the minor more accessible to students who find the minor later in their degree plan.
ii. Changing the overall major size from 18 to 15 hrs keeps the minor accessible to students who find the minor later in their program (4c_aist-m_report_08232024).

NOTE:  The Council provisionally approved this proposal provided the following change was made to the hours requirement for the minor:
“Students may earn a minor in Asian Studies by taking at least 15 credit hours of courses in…”  The ARSC dean’s office confirmed the program director’s consent to the change and the proposal has since been updated to reflect this.

d. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – ARABBA – Arabic, Bachelor of Arts presented by Shane Barker.

The department is proposing the deletion of six independent majors in conjunction with a proposal to consolidate those under one Bachelor of Arts degree in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The existing majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish will become concentrations within the new degree, thus allowing students to continue pursuing degrees in those languages and in Classical Studies (which includes Greek and Latin). Therefore, the department requests the deletion of the Bachelor of Arts in Arabic to accommodate this new structure (4d_arabba_report_08232024, 4d_arabba_deletion_ltr_of_notification_08232034).

e. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – FRENBA – French, Bachelor of Arts presented by Shane Barker.

The department is proposing the deletion of six independent majors in conjunction with a proposal to consolidate those under one Bachelor of Arts degree in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The existing majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish will become concentrations within the new degree, thus allowing students to continue pursuing degrees in those languages and in Classical Studies (which includes Greek and Latin). Therefore, the department requests the deletion of the Bachelor of Arts in French to accommodate this new structure (4e_frenba_report_08232024, 4e_frenba_deletion_ltr_of_notification_08232034).

f. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – GERMBA – German, Bachelor of Arts presented by Shane Barker.

The department is proposing the deletion of six independent majors in conjunction with a proposal to consolidate those under one Bachelor of Arts degree in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The existing majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish will become concentrations within the new degree, thus allowing students to continue pursuing degrees in those languages and in Classical Studies (which includes Greek and Latin). Therefore, the department requests the deletion of the Bachelor of Arts in German to accommodate this new structure (4f_germba_report_08232024, 4f_germba_deletion_ltr_of_notification_08232034).

g. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – ITALBA – Italian, Bachelor of Arts presented by Shane Barker.

The department is proposing the deletion of six independent majors in conjunction with a proposal to consolidate those under one Bachelor of Arts degree in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The existing majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish will become concentrations within the new degree, thus allowing students to continue pursuing degrees in those languages and in Classical Studies (which includes Greek and Latin). Therefore, the department requests the deletion of the Bachelor of Arts in Italian to accommodate this new structure (4g_italba_report_08232024, 4g_italba_deletion_ltr_of_notification_08232034).

h. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – SPANBA – Spanish, Bachelor of Arts presented by Shane Barker.

The department is proposing the deletion of six independent majors in conjunction with a proposal to consolidate those under one Bachelor of Arts degree in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The existing majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish will become concentrations within the new degree, thus allowing students to continue pursuing degrees in those languages and in Classical Studies (which includes Greek and Latin). Therefore, the department requests the deletion of the Bachelor of Arts in Spanish to accommodate this new structure (4h_spanba_report_08232024, 4h_spanba_deletion_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

i. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Bachelor of Arts presented by Shane Barker.

i. Reorganization of CLSTBA into a WLLCBA that encompasses all the current majors that are part of the WLLC department. (See attached LON and Before and After documents for additional information.)
ii. Changes to core: kept additional world culture requirement that's included in current ARABBA, FRENBA, GERMBA, and SPANBA but added clarity.
iii. Created a 6 hr language/culture core with choices for each concentration that allow most majors to stay very similar requirements even with new format.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4i_wllcba_report_08232024, 4i_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

j. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-ARAB – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Arabic Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Format of the major largely the same as current ARABBA.
ii. Adding 3 hrs of ARAB classes chosen from ARAB 40503 or ARAB 42103.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4j_wllcba-arab_report_08232024, 4j_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

k. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-CLDH – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Classical Studies Cultures and Digital Humanities Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Adding a WLLC course requirements to reflect the Digital Humanities part of the concentration title.
ii. Identified a specific number of courses in the concentration that need to be CLST.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4k_wllcba-cldh_report_08232024, 4k_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

l. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-CLLA – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Classical Studies Language Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Kept this concentration as close to CLSTBA current concentration as possible.
ii. Adjusted number of electives to keep all concentrations in WLLCBA the same.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4l_wllcba-clla_report_08232024, 4l_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

m. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-FREN – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: French Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Kept concentration as similar to current FRENBA as possible.
ii. Outlined specific FREN lit courses.
iii. Added 3 hours of FREN upper-level electives.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4m_wllcba-fren_report_08232024, 4m_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

n. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-GERM – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: German Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Kept concentration as close to current GERMBA requirements.
ii. Added GERM 2013 to major requirements (in core section)

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4n_wllcba-germ_report_08232024, 4n_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

o. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-ITLC – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Italian Literacy and Cultural Studies Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Kept concentration as close to original ITALBA concentration as possible.
ii. Adjusted the number of ITAL electives.
iii. Removes intro course requirement.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4o_wllcba-itlc_report_08232024, 4o_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

p. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-ITTS – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Italian Transnational Studies Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Kept concentration as close to original ITALBA concentration as possible.
ii. Removed the number of Electives from concentration.
iii. Removed intro class from concentration.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4p_wllcba-itts_report_08232024, 4p_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

q. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLCBA-SPAN – World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures: Spanish Concentration presented by Shane Barker.

i. Kept concentration as close to original SPANBA as possible.
ii. Added clarifying language about options for heritage vs second language learners.

The proposed reconfiguration of the stand-alone majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish into one degree program with concentrations in each of those areas aligns the department with other benchmark departments that have already transitioned to one degree with multiple concentrations. Numerous R1 institutions and eight SEC schools have created said combined language programs to align them with 21st century demands of globalization of disciplines such as engineering, health professions, social services, business, STEM, digital humanities, data analytics, and AI.
Furthermore, this change strengthens the degree plan and increases opportunities to create attractive and innovative concentrations beyond the proposed offerings to support students’ ever-evolving interests in cultures and languages. It also opens avenues for minor languages to pair with mainstream language programs, to collaborate with other disciplines, and to foster a variety of interdisciplinary options for students at the University of Arkansas. The concentration structure allows the program to be responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of students and employers going forward (4q_wllcba-span_report_08232024, 4q_wllcba_program_reconfiguration_ltr_of_notification_08232024).

5. Additional Items/Announcements:

a. Deletion of the Center for Semiconductor Physics in Nanostructures (5a_center_for_semiconductor_physics_in_nanostructures_deleting_an_

b. Deletion of the Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Science and the Arts (5b_center_for_the_interdisciplinary_study_of_science_and_the_arts_deleting_

c. Deletion of the Cybersecurity Center on Secure, Evolvable Energy Delivery Systems (SEEDS) 

d. Deletion of the IDEALS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Access, Leadership & Strategy) Institute of the University of Arkansas

e. Deletion of the Tesseract Center for Immersive Environments and Game Design

f. Update to HL IB Exam Credit Cut-off Score
Mathematics MATH 24004     4-7 SL 
Mathematics MATH 13004 and MATH 24004  4-5 HL 
Mathematics MATH 13004 and MATH 240H4  6-7 HL

g. Reorganization of the Department of Counseling, Leadership, and Research Methods (CLRM)

Next Meeting: September 27, 2024 (agenda deadline is September 13, 2024).

Meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.