September 28, 2012

UpChurch Conference Room, Bell Engineering

  1. Approval of minutes for the August 10, 2012 meeting. The minutes can be viewed at:
  2. Consent Agenda (Course change proposals can be reviewed at or by going to the website of the Registrar and clicking on “Faculty/Staff” then “Curriculum Change Form,” and then “View Changes Pending Before the University Course and Programs Committee.”)
    1. Undergraduate  Course Change Proposals – Table A
    2. Graduate and Dual Course Change Proposals – Table B & Table C
  3. Old Business: None
  4. New Business:
    1. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Bumpers College of Agriculture, Food and Life Sciences, School of Human Environmental Sciences – FHNHBS – BSHES, Bachelor of Science in Foods, Human Nutrition and Hospitality (Hospitality and Restaurant Management Concentration) ( Table One, Attachment 1A, Attachement 1A-1, Attachement 1A-2, Attachment 1A-3, Attachment 1A-4, and Attachment 1A-5).
    2. Proposed undergraduate program change for the College of Education and Health Professions, Eleanor Mann School of Nursing – NURSBS – Bachelor of Science in Nursing ( Table Two, Attachment 2A).
    3. Proposed undergraduate program change for the College of Education and Health Professions – CATEBS – Bachelor of Science in Career and Technical Education ( Table Three, Attachment 3A, Attachment 3A-1, Attachment 3A-2).
    4. Proposed graduate program change for the Eleanor Mann School of Nursing - NURSDP – DNP, New Doctorate of Nursing Practice (With two Areas of Specialization: Adult/Geriatric Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Adult/Geriatric Clinical Nurse Specialist) ( Table Four, Attachment 4A, Attachment 4A-1, Attachment 4A-2, Attachment 4A-3, Attachment 4A-4 and Attachment 4A-5).
  5. Other Items for Consideration: None