January 24, 2025

January 24, 2025
2:30 p.m.
Upchurch Conference Room, BELL 3162

Voting:  Matthew Ganio, Rhett Hutchins, Kevin Hall, Manuel Rossetti, Megan Hull, Lona Robertson, Garry McDonald, Laurence Hare, Chris Schulte, Alan Ellstrand, Kevin Brady, and Ethel Goodstein-Murphree 

Non-Voting: Gina Daugherty, Lisa Kulczak, and Miran Kang 

Voting:  Adriana Gonzalez, Rodney Thomas II, Jeremy Beaulieu, and Lesley Ramirez
Non-Voting:  Amanda Corbell, Ed Bengtson, and Tiffany Murphy

GUESTS:  Shane Barker

Chair Kevin Hall called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

1. The minutes for the December 13, 2024, meeting were approved.

2. Consent Agenda:

    ⦁ All course change proposals were approved without opposition. The approved courses are listed on the CIM Course Report and will be       forwarded for consideration to the Faculty Senate meeting scheduled for February 12, 2025.

3. Old Business:  

    ⦁ None
 4. New Business: 

     The following program change proposals were approved on the CIM Program Report.  The program change proposals will be forwarded
     for consideration to the Faculty Senate meeting scheduled for February 12, 2025.

a. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Education, Communication and Technology – AECTBS – Agricultural Education, Communication and Technology, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Food, and Life Sciences presented by Lona Robertson
4a_aectbs_coversheet_01242025, 4a_aectbs_protocol_01242025).

Education programs at the University of Arkansas Fayetteville are revising programs to meet the requirements for the yearlong residency required by the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Proposed changes are to adjust AECTBS program core due to the AECTBS-AGED program change proposal.

b. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, Department of Agricultural Education, Communication and Technology – AECTBS-AGED – Agricultural Education, Communication and Technology:  Agricultural Education concentration presented by Lona Robertson
4b_aectbs-aged_coversheet_01242025, 4b_aectbs-aged_proposal_01242025).

See item 4a above.

c. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, School of Human Environmental Sciences – BRKDBS – Birth through Kindergarten, Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Science presented by Lona Robertson
4c_brkdbs_coversheet_01242025, 4c_brkdbs_protocol_01242025).

Curriculum revisions to give education students across campus a universal experience, in collaboration with Educator Preparation colleagues. Also, to relieve load of HDFS faculty and allow us to run the 1-year internship.  To ensure long-term availability of course with the needed content, rather than relying on a grant-funded Special Topics course. Also, the online format meets the needs of students not from NWA taking this summer course, while Camp Connect was in person, causing a barrier to students not from NWA or taking summer work elsewhere. To align (along with colleagues across educator preparation programs) with UA guidelines on hours spent in the field per credit, using the university-provided formula.

d. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, School of Human Environmental Sciences – FNAHBS – Foods, Nutrition, and Health, Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Science presented by Lona Robertson

Updated to reflect changes in degree plan as related to ACEND Accreditation Standards.  
Added Courses:
- NUTR 45003 Communicating Nutrition
- NUTR 42413 Nutrition Through the Lifespan
Removed Courses:
- NUTR 32103 Nutrition Education and Counseling
- NUTR 42203 Lifecycle Nutrition
*NUTR 45003 Communicating Nutrition - course was proposed in 2023-2024 and is already being taught but has not yet been added to degree plan

e. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology – ANTHBS – Anthropology, Bachelor of Science presented by Shane Barker

Removing reference to 24 hour rule in 8 semester plan since this rule has been removed from the ARSC catalog.  General formatting updates to ARSC standards.

f. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology – ANTH Writing Req – Anthropology Writing Requirement presented by Chris Schulte

This is an inactivation of the departmental writing requirement in conjunction with a college wide change to remove the Fulbright Writing Requirement. This does not change established program/specific course requirements for students. This change coincides with the update to the "ARSC College Academic Regulations", which remove the Fulbright Writing Requirement on the basis that it is redundant to departments assessing General Education Learning Outcome (GELO) 6.1.

g. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts and Sciences Dean – IDST Writing Req – Interdisciplinary Studies Writing Requirement presented by Chris Schulte

See item 4f above.

h. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences – BIOL Dept Honors – Biology Departmental Honors presented by Laurence Hare

Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.

i. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences – BIOL Writing Req – Biology Writing Requirement presented by Laurence Hare

See item 4f above.

j. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History – HIST Writing Req – History Writing Requirement presented by Chris Schulte

See item 4f above.

k. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music – MUSCBM-COMP – Bachelor of Music: Composition concentration presented by Chris Schulte

Removing tracks from degree program.  The tracks were simply to keep track of what instrument students played. This record-keeping can be accomplished in other ways. The tracks did not indicate any curricular differences and they were not a meaningful designation within the composition concentration. Removing references to 24 hour rule, which has been removed from ARSC catalog.

l. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music – MUSCBM-GPRF – Bachelor of Music: Guitar Performance concentration presented by Chris Schulte

See item 4k above.

m. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music – MUSCBM-SPRF – Bachelor of Music: String Performance concentration presented by Chris Schulte

See item 4k above.

n. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music – MUSCBM-THRY – Bachelor of Music: Theory concentration presented by Chris Schulte

See item 4k above.

o. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music – MUSCBM-VPRF – Bachelor of Music: Voice Performance concentration presented by Chris Schulte

See item 4k above.

p. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music – MUSCBM-WPRF – Bachelor of Music: Woodwind-Brass-Percussion Performance concentration presented by Chris Schulte

See item 4k above.

q. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Social Work – SCWK Writing Reqs – Social Work Writing Requirements presented by Laurence Hare

See item 4f above.

r. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology and Criminology – CRIM Writing Req – Criminology Writing Requirement presented by Laurence Hare

See item 4f above.

s. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology and Criminology – SOCI Writing Reqs – Sociology Writing Requirements presented by Laurence Hare

See item 4f above.

t. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures – AMARAB  – Additional Major-Arabic presented by Shane Barker

This is in conjunction with the consolidation of all language majors into one WLLCBA. The additional majors need to be inactivated, because the major they reference will no longer exist. The WLLCBA was formatted to accommodate the needs of students who would have traditionally completed the additional major.

u. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures – AMFREN  – Additional Major-French presented by Shane Barker

See item 4t above.

v. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures – AMGERM  – Additional Major-German presented by Shane Barker

See item 4t above.

w. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures – AMSPAN  – Additional Major-Spanish presented by Shane Barker

See item 4t above.

x. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, School of Art – ART Writing Req – Art Writing Requirement presented by Laurence Hare

See item 4f above.

y. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, Department of Economics – BECOBS-BECO – Business Economics:  Business Economics concentration presented by Alan Ellstrand

Per accreditation, adding ECON 47403 Intro to Econometrics as a required class. Added ECON 47503 or ECON 47603 as the select one class. Changed major to be 24 hours.

z. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, Department of Economics – BECOBS-IECB – Business Economics:  International Economics and Business concentration presented by Alan Ellstrand

Per accreditation, adding ECON 47403 Intro to Econometrics to required degree classes.  Removed references to EUST and AMST programs, as those programs no longer exist.

aa. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, Department of Economics – ECNCBA – Economics, Bachelor of Arts presented by Alan Ellstrand

1. General reformatting to match ARSC catalog standards and to demonstrate full 120 hours of degree.
2. Removed 6 hr language/culture requirement from body of major and 8 semester plan
3. Added ECON 47403 Intro to Econometrics as a required class.
Choose two of the following three courses:
or ECON 47503 Forecasting
or ECON 31403 Economics of Poverty and Inequality
or ECON 47603. Economic Analytics
3b. Reducing number of ECON electives from 12 to 9 in order to maintain original 30 hours of ECON courses in major.

bb. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, Department of Economics – ECNCBA-ECIE – Economics:  International Economics and Business concentration presented by Alan Ellstrand

1. General reformatting to match ARSC catalog standards and to demonstrate full 120 hours of degree.
2. Changing language requirement to be more flexible and understandable. (before: two overlapping language requirements that required a business language class but did not outline what that meant. After: one language requirement that identifies desired level students need to reach.) What was a 9 hour requirement where 3 hours could actually overlap is now just a 3 hour requirement.
3. Adjusting world culture requirement to be more specific (i.e. no longer requiring dept approval for individual classes) and allows for more options from a wider variety of areas). Number of hours required stays the same.
4. Added ECON 47403 as a major requirement.
5. Reformatted electives list for clarity and reduced required hours from 12 to 9 to keep number of ECON/related business hours the same as before.

cc. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, Department of Marketing – RETL-M – Retail Minor for Non-Business Students presented by Alan Ellstrand

There are not many students enrolled in this minor and no interest to continue it from students. A marketing minor gives students the same skills.  The students will be able to change to the marketing minor and all of the classes will count toward completion of the minor.

dd. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, Department of Marketing – WRTL-M – Retail Minor for Business Majors presented by Alan Ellstrand

There are not many current students in this minor and they can take the same classes to complete a marketing minor. Since there is no significant difference for the minors, a marketing minor gives more options for classes and skills to learn.  They can complete a marketing minor which requires the same number and classes from the same academic area.

5. Additional Items/Announcements:



The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

Next Meeting: February 28, 2025 (agenda deadline is February 14, 2025).