October 25, 2024
October 25, 2024
2:30 p.m.
Upchurch Conference Room, BELL 3162
Voting: Rhett Hutchins, Kevin Hall, Megan Hull, Lona Robertson, Garry McDonald, Chris
Schulte, Ethel Goodstein-Murphree, Lesley Ramirez, and Alan Ellstrand
Non-Voting: Gina Daugherty, Lisa Kulczak, and Kathy Green (for Global Campus)
Voting: Matthew Ganio, Laurence Hare, Manuel Rossetti, Adriana Gonzalez, Kevin Brady,
Rodney Thomas II, and Jeremy Beaulieu
Non-Voting: Ed Bengtson, Amanda Corbell, and Tiffany Murphy
GUESTS: Shane Barker
Chair Kevin Hall called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.
1. The minutes for the September 27, 2024, meeting were approved.
2. Course Change Proposals:
All course change proposals were approved without opposition. The approved courses are listed on the CIM Course Report created by CourseLeaf and will be forwarded for consideration to the Faculty Senate meeting scheduled for November 13, 2024.
3. Old Business:
⦁ Consideration of adding the GSIE Associate Dean as a non-voting member of the Undergraduate Council
Adding GSIE representation on the Council allows an opportunity to address issues concerning international undergraduates, study abroad, and students studying at the Rome Center.
Draft of revised Council membership is included here for consideration and/or vote:
The Council approved the revised membership edits, and the proposal will be forwarded for consideration to the Faculty Senate meeting scheduled for November 13, 2024. Additional revisions regarding the student representation formerly selected by the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will be revisited at the Council’s November 22, 2024 meeting.
4. New Business:
The following program change proposals were approved on the CIM Program Report. The program change proposals will be forwarded for consideration to the Faculty Senate, meeting scheduled for October 9, 2024.
a. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Anthropology – ANTH Dept Honors – Anthropology Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
b. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts and Sciences Dean – ARSC Honors – ARSC College Honors Requirements presented by Chris Schulte.
Increases admissions for GPA for current students in order to align more closely ARSC standards with new admission requirements for incoming students enacted by the Honors College.
There will now be just one honors program for all ARSC students. This simplifies program management and advising for students who might be exploring different degrees.
This change allows for a wider variety of options for students. It better reflects the varied nature of research across disciplines.
c. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts and Sciences Dean – LALS Dept Honors – Latin American and Latino Studies Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
d. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts and Sciences Dean – MEST Dept Honors – Middle East Studies Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
e. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Communication – COMM Dept Honors – Communication Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
f. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Economics – ECNC Dept Honors – Economics Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
g. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of English – ENGL Dept Honors – English Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
h. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Geosciences – GEOG Dept Honors – Geography Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
i. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Geosciences – GEOL Dept Honors – Geology Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
j. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of History – HIST Dept Honors – History Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
k. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Mathematical Sciences – MATH Dept Honors – Mathematics Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
l. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Philosophy – PHIL Dept Honors – Philosophy Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors
with a common college honors curriculum.
m. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics – PHYS Dept Honors – Physics Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors
with a common college honors curriculum.
n. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Political Science – INSTBA Dept Honors – International Studies Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
o. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Political Science – PLSC Dept Honors – Political Science Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
p. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychological Science – PSYC Dept Honors – Psychology Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
q. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, School of Art – ART Dept Honors – Art Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors
with a common college honors curriculum.
r. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, School of Art – GDES Honors – Graphic Design Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors
with a common college honors curriculum.
s. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, School of Journalism and Strategic Media – JOUR Dept Honors – Journalism Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
t. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Social Work – SCWK Dept Honors – Social Work Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
u. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology and Criminology – CRIM Dept Honors – Criminology Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
v. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Sociology and Criminology – SOCI Dept Honors – Sociology Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
w. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Theatre – THTR Dept Honors – Theatre Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
x. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – CLST Dept Honors – Classical Studies Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
y. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – WLLC Dept Honors – World Languages Departmental Honors presented by Chris Schulte.
Enhancing quality and sustainability of honors program by replacing departmental honors with a common college honors curriculum.
z. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – ITALBA-LTCS – Italian, Bachelor of Arts, Literary and Cultural Studies Concentration presented by Shane Barker.
The department is proposing the deletion of six independent majors in conjunction
with a proposal to consolidate those under one Bachelor of Arts degree in World Languages,
Literatures, and Cultures. The existing majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French,
German, Italian, and Spanish will become concentrations within the new degree, thus
allowing students to continue pursuing degrees in those languages and in Classical
Studies (which includes Greek and Latin). Therefore, the department requests the deletion
of the Bachelor of Arts in Italian to accommodate this new structure.
(4z_italba-ltcs_report_10252024, 4z_italba-ltcs_deletion_ltr_of_notification_rev_bot_10252024, 4z_italba_phase-out_10252024).
aa. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – ITALBA-TRST – Italian, Bachelor of Arts, Transnational Studies Concentration presented by Shane Barker.
The department is proposing the deletion of six independent majors in conjunction with a proposal to consolidate those under one Bachelor of Arts degree in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. The existing majors in Classical Studies, Arabic, French, German, Italian, and Spanish will become concentrations within the new degree, thus allowing students to continue pursuing degrees in those languages and in Classical Studies (which includes Greek and Latin). Therefore, the department requests the deletion of the Bachelor of Arts in Italian to accommodate this new structure.
(4aa_italba-trst_report_10252024, 4aa_italba-trst_deletion_ltr_of_notification_rev_bot_10252024, 4aa_italba_phase-out_10252024).
bb. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Sam M. Walton College of Business, Department of Marketing – PRSAUM – Professional Sales Undergraduate MicroCertificate presented by Alan Ellstrand.
Meeting student demand for increased interest in sales and this MicroCertificate will help with creating skills for students.
(4bb_prsaum_report_10252024, 4bb_re_ additional_language_proposal_to_include_required_application_10252024).
5. Additional Items/Announcements:
a. Licensure Revision – Adult Education
(5a_copy_of_adult_education_matrix_template_adll_2024_10252024, 5a_licensure_revision_coversheet_adult_education_10252024, 5a_adll_syllabi_combined_10252024, 5a_adll_med_program_of_study_10252024, 5a_adll_ihe_protocols_august_2024_v2final_eef_10252024).
b. Deletion of the USAF Hurlburt Field, Florida location as an off-campus location, effective Spring 2025 (5b_usaf_hurlburt_fl_deleting_admin_unit_ltr_of_notif_rev_bot_10252024).
c. Deletion of the Walton College at 2nd and Main, Little Rock location as an off-campus
location for offering face-to-face instruction for the master’s degree in operations
management, effective Spring 2025. The facility will continue to be utilized for
its original purpose by the Sam M. Walton College of Business.
Meeting adjourned at 2:52 p.m.
Next Meeting: November 22, 2024 (agenda deadline is November 8, 2024).