April 27, 2012

UpChurch Conference Room – Bell Engineering


Voting: Bob Brady, Andrew Dowdle, Judy Ganson, Tim Killian, Patricia Koski, Tim Kral, and Lona Robertson

Non-Voting: Lisa Kulczak, Karen Turner and William Warnock


Voting: Chuck Adams, Cathy Chick, Dawn Farver, Carol Gattis, Kristen Higgins, Andrew Horowitz, Moez Limayem, Terry Martin, Janet Penner-Williams, Javier Reyes, Bill Springer and Chuck Rotolo


GUESTS: Kimball Erdman, Claretha Hughes and William Quinn

In the absence of Chuck Adams, Chair, Lona Robertson, called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM.

1. The minutes for February 24, 2012 were approved without corrections. The March meeting was cancelled.

2. Course Change Proposals:

  1. All undergraduate and Law School course change proposals ( Tables A and D) were approved without opposition and will be forwarded for the May 2012 Faculty Senate meeting.
  2. The Graduate and Dual course change proposals ( Tables B and C) were approved without opposition and will be forwarded for the May 2012 Graduate Council meeting.

3. Old Business:

  1. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fay Jones School of Architecture, Department of Landscape Architecture, – LARC-M – Minor in Landscape Architecture ( Table One, Attachments 1A and 1A-1) which was tabled during the February meeting was presented by Kimball Erdman. The minor is being added to assist Horticulture students and others interested in planting design as a career path or augmentation to their educational studies. It will complement horticulture, architecture and interior design students' educational goals and provide a mechanism for access to courses normally reserved for majors only. The change will not eliminate any programs or program components. The proposal was approved and will be forwarded for the May Faculty Senate meeting.
4. New Business:
  1. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, College Wide Requirement – 50 % Rule for majors and minors ( Table Two, Attachment 2A) was presented by Bill Quinn. The proposal requested to add the following requirement: A student graduating with a major or a minor from Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences must have completed a minimum of 50% of degree credit work within the Fulbright College major or within the Fulbright College minor at the University of Arkansas through courses completed at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville campus as defined in the University Residency Requirement. This percentage completion requirement may be higher for some majors or minors. The proposal was approved and will be forwarded for the May Faculty Senate meeting.
  2. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Arts and Sciences – AIST-M – Minor in Asian Studies & Second or dependent major in Asian Studies ( Table Two, Attachment 2B) was presented by Bill Quinn. AIST faculty members have developed a several new courses that will be offered on a regular basis. The inclusion of these new courses on the list of approved electives will reflect these changes to the curriculum and provide students interested in either the AIST combined major or the AIST-M minor a wider range of choices in their course selection. The proposal was approved and will be forwarded for the May Faculty Senate meeting.
  3. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychological Sciences – PSYC-M – Minor in Psychology ( Table Two, Attachments 2C and 2C-1) was presented by Bob Brady and Bill Quinn. Proposal requested to delete the Minor in Psychology. The proposal was approved and will be forwarded for the May Faculty Senate meeting.
  4. Proposed undergraduate program change for the College of Education and Health Professions, Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders – HRDVBS – BSE, Human Resource Development ( Table Three, Attachments 3A, 3A-1, 3A-2, 3A-3 and 3A-4) was presented by Claretha Hughes. 1) The proposed change reflected ACT 747 requiring 120 hours of coursework for Bachelor's degrees in Arkansas and other curriculum changes. 2) The reduction from 124 to 120 hours is shown in the program requirements below. The four hour reduction is in the technical requirements for the degree. 3) The name of the program is being changed to reflect the program within which it is administered (HRWD) and to align it with both the master's and doctoral degrees of the same name within the program. 4) The curriculum changes reflect a better alignment with the master's and doctoral degrees which focus on human resource development theory and workforce development principles. 5) The reduction from 5 years of work experience to 3 years in order to enter the program is to make the program more accessible to students on the University of Arkansas- Fayetteville campus. Currently, there are few students on the campus who meet the 5 years work experience requirement and want to enroll in our degree program. 6) The Capstone course (HRWD 4333) is being added to provide a comprehensive assessment of students' understanding of degree content prior to receiving the degree. All applied courses have been removed from the degree to increase the rigor of the program, align the course work with benchmark institutions, and align the coursework with empirical research of human resource development degree programs.

    The proposal was approved with changes to be made to the current forms and additional forms being required by ADHE for the total degree hour reduction. Once these forms are changed and added to the supplemental material, the proposal will be forwarded for the September Faculty Senate meeting.
  5. Proposed graduate program change for the Graduate School – GEROGC – Graduate Certificate in Gerontology ( Table Four, Attachments 4A and 4A-1) was presented by Pat Koski. Proposal requested to delete the program. The proposal was approved and will be forwarded for the May Graduate Council meeting.
  6. Proposed graduate program change for the Graduate School – PUBPPH – PhD, Public Policy ( Table Four, Attachments 4B, 4B-1, 4B-2 and 4B-3) was presented by Pat Koski. The proposal requested under "Areas of Specialization" to delete "Recreation Policy," "Community Development," and "Disability Policy", and add a new area of study "Community Development and Recreation Policy." The proposal was approved and will be forwarded for the May Graduate Council meeting.
  7. Proposed graduate program change for the Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures – FRENMA – MA, French ( Table Four, Attachment 4C) was presented by Bill Quinn. The proposal requested to change the graduate catalog description of the requirements for the Masters of Arts Degree in French by eliminating the two separate options for degree completion and having just one set of requirements. All students will be required to pass both a written and oral examination.

5. Other Business:

    Lona Robertson announced that MLIT 1013, Music Lecture of Music Majors, has been approved as a University Core Course by the University Core Committee and will be forwarded for consideration at the May Faculty Senate meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:07 PM.