December 18, 2020


  1. Approval of minutes for the November 20, 2020 meeting.
    The minutes can be viewed at:

  2. Consent Agenda
    Course change proposals (PDF Report)

  3. Old Business:

  4. New Business:
    Program change proposals (PDF Report)
    1. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, Department of Human Environmental Sciences – BRKDBS – Birth through Kindergarten, Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Science (4a_brkdbs_report_12182020).

    2. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, Department of Human Environmental Sciences – HDFSBS – Human Development and Family Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Science (4b_hdfsbs_report_12182020).

    3. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food, and Life Sciences, Department of Human Environmental Sciences – HNADBS – Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Bachelor of Science in Human Environmental Science (4c_hnadbs_report_12182020).

    4. Proposed undergraduate program change for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Music – MUEDBM – Music Education, Bachelor of Music (4d_muedbm_report_12182020).

    5. Proposed undergraduate program change for the College of Education and Health Professions, Department of Curriculum and Instruction – STEMCP- STEM Education, Certificate of Proficiency (4e_stemcp_report_12182020, 4e_stemcp_newcertificate_ltrofnotification_12182020, 4e_stemcp_newcertificate_supportingdocumentation_12182020).

    6. Proposed undergraduate program change for the College of Education and Health Professions, Department of Curriculum and Instruction – STEM-M - STEM Education Minor (4f_stem-m_report_12182020).

    7. Proposed undergraduate program change for the College of Education and Health Professions, Department of Education Dean  – UTCHCS - Licensure for UA Teach Computer Science 4-12 (4g_utchcs_report_12182020).

    8. Proposed undergraduate program change for the College of Education and Health Professions, Department of Curriculum and Instruction – UTCH-M - UAteach Minor (4h_utch-m_report_12182020).

    9. Proposed graduate program change for the Department of Curriculum and Instruction – ACPAMC – Arkansas Curriculum/Program Administrator Post Master's Certificate (4i_acpamc_report_12182020, 4i_acpamc_deletion_ltrofnotification_12182020).

    10. Proposed graduate program change for the Department of Curriculum and Instruction – AUTSGC – Autism Spectrum Disorders Graduate Certificate (4j_autsgc_report_12182020, 4j_autsgc_deletion_ltrofnotification_12182020).

    11. Proposed graduate program change for the Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources, and Communication Disorders – EDSTMC – Educational Statistics and Research Methods Post Master's Certificate (4k_edstmc_report_12182020).

  5. Additional items/Announcements:
    1. Realignment of English CLEP scores and credit (5a_realignment_of_english_clep_scores_and_credit_12182020).

    2. Title Change of an Existing Organizational Unit: Office for Diversity and Inclusion becoming the Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (5b_dei_title-change_ltrofnotification_12182020).

    3. Title Change of an Existing Organizational Unit: Office of Economic Development becoming the Division of Economic Development (5c_ed_title-change_ltrofnotification_12182020).

    4. Title Change of an Existing Organizational Unit: Office of Research and Innovation becoming the Division of Research and Innovation (5d_ri_title-change_ltrofnotification_12182020).

    5. Title Change of an Existing Organizational Unit: Office of Student Activities Initiatives and Services (OASIS) becoming the Sylvia Hack Boyer Center for Student Services (BCSS) (5e_oasis-bcss_title-change_ltrofnotification_12182020).

  6. Next Meeting:  January 22 (agenda deadline is January 08, 2021).