Undergraduate Council

The Undergraduate Council reviews and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate for actions on proposals regarding undergraduate courses, programs, and related policies approved by a college or school.  Examples include, but are not limited to:  1) new courses; 2) changes in title, description, number, prerequisites, etc. of courses; 3) new degree programs; 4) modifications to degree programs; and 5) policies related to courses and programs, which are not specifically identified as under the jurisdiction of another committee. The Council is responsible for resolving questions concerning course numbering, course or program duplication, completeness of course or program revision forms, and other questions pertaining to course and program changes, including compliance with administrative guidelines implementing Board Policy.

Once undergraduate course and program proposals have been approved by the individual academic colleges or schools, they must be reveiwed by the Undergraduate Council before being forwarded to the Faculty Senate.  Proposals made to this Council will be collected by the Director of Curriculum Review and Program Assessment and distributed to the members prior to each meeting. A summary sheet listing all recommendations from the Council is distributed with the agenda to the Faculty Senate prior to the meetings at which they are reported.

Voting Council membership consists of a representative to be appointed by the dean of each undergraduate college or school, a faculty representative selected from each undergraduate college and school, a representative of the university libraries appointed by the Dean of Libraries, a student member selected by the ASG procedures, one undergraduate student selected by the Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the chair of the Campus Faculty, and the Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate. Any full-time faculty member is eligible to serve, and each selected member serves a three-year, renewable term. New members are appointed/selected no later than the first meeting of each fall semester. A meeting quorum must be met for any voting to occur. Members may send a non-voting substitution for meeting representation.

Non-voting membership consists of a representative of the Graduate Council, a representative from the School of Law, and a representative appointed by the Vice Provost for Distance Education. A representative from the Registrar's Office will meet with the committee to provide technical support. The committee elects its own chair-elect at the first meeting of the fall semester, who serves as chair the following academic year.

Course Curriculum Deadlines

Generally, the Undergraduate Council meets on the fourth Friday of each month. However, the meeting dates have been adapted to accommodate holidays and the campus schedule. For a list of meeting dates, please see the schedule at http://ugrdcouncil.uark.edu/schedule.php. In order for course change proposals to be reviewed in a given month, all materials must be submitted into CourseLeaf and reach the Council approval level in the workflow by the agenda deadline (see the meeting dates). In order to be included in the next year's catalogs, all undergraduate course proposals must be reviewed and approved by the Faculty Senate at or before the March meeting.